
GBAS进近的误差修正与运行实施方法 被引量:1

Error Correction and Operational Methods of GBAS Approach
摘要 地基增强系统(GBAS)提高定位精度需要获得地面广播的各类定位误差修正值,通过分析传统的对流层误差修正算法,提出了区分大气干湿分量的对流层指数修正算法。通过实际的采样和计算验证可知,使用该算法能够较为明显地提高对流层修正误差的精度。探讨了地基增强系统进近飞行程序设计与实施方法,分析了地基增强系统进近的各种优势,提出了加快中国地基增强系统应用的建议。 The improvement of positioning accurary using ground-based augment system (GBAS) requires various error correction values via the ground-based VHF digital broadcast. This paper proposes a tropospheric index correction algorithm that distinguishes the wet and dry proportions of the atmosphere through analyzing the conventional tropospheric error correction algorithms. The sampling and calculation validated that this algorithm significantly improved the accuracy of tropospheric error correction. The advantages of GNSS landing system (GLS) are discussed, as well as the flight procedure design and operational methods for GLS approach, giving suggestions to accelerate the application of GBAS in China.
作者 黄晋
出处 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第36期98-103,共6页 Science & Technology Review
基金 民航科技创新引导资金项目(MHRD20130211)
关键词 地基增强系统 星基着陆系统 甚高频数据广播 最后航段数据块 ground-based augment system GNSS landing system VHF digital broadcast FAS data block
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