本研究以ELM模型为研究框架,从用户处理评论信息过程的视角,探究对于不同属性的商品,用户感知评论有用性的行为和结果是否存在差异。利用Amazon.com上的5 420条有效评论样本进行实验,研究发现:商品类型会影响用户感知在线评论有用性的方式,进而对在线评论有用性产生调节影响;用户更偏向通过中心路径来感知搜索类商品评论信息有用性大小,而在感知体验类商品评论信息有用性时,需结合中心和边缘两条路径。
This paper, based on ELM and drawn from the perspective of information processing, discussed whether the factors of perceived helpfulness were different between search goods and experience goods. For this research, 5 420 valid online consumer reviews were collected from Amazon. com. The analyses result showed that the product type had a moderating effect on online reviews' helpfulness. While the perceived helpfulness of search goods was influenced by the central cues, both central and peripheral cues had significant effects on the perceived helpfulness of experience goods.
Journal of Modern Information