基于金纳米的颜色变化及优良的光学特性,建立了快速及高灵敏度的检测方法,以检测牛奶中的三聚氰胺。本试验所建立的新金纳米反应体系主要包含两部分内容:(1)用克伦特罗标记金纳米;(2)调整反应最佳p H,并在此基础上,优化牛奶前处理过程。在金纳米体系中加入三聚氰胺,随着加入量的增加,溶液会呈现红紫蓝颜色逐渐变化,并且吸光度值A520有降低趋势,A670有升高趋势。本反应体系检测范围为0.4~12 mg/kg,线性相关系数为0.993,检测回收率范围是86%~105%。试验操作简便,灵敏度高。当牛奶中三聚氰胺浓度超过8 mg/kg时,可用肉眼检测。
Based nanoparticles on the color the detection change of melamine the fine optical properties of gold (Ma) in raw milk was reported in nanoparticles, a new system of gold this paper. The assay sensitivity was improved by optimizing two key parameters such as the pretreatment of milk and modifying AuNPs with clenbuterol (Cb). What's more, we also had a discuss on four aspects such as the pH of melamine,the concentration of AuNPs, the order of adding clenbuterol and the amount of melamine. Melamine induced the aggregation of AuNPs and resulted in the color change of AuNPs from wine red to blue, and A520 had a tendency to reduce, A670 had a tendency to increase. The result showed that the concentration of melamine between 0.4 mg/kg and 12 mg/kg formed a good Linearship with A670/A520 (r=0.993). The recovery was between 86%-105%.We could detect with our eyes, when the concentration of melamine was above 8 mg/kg.
Chinese Journal of Animal Science