

Study on the Source and Practical Significance of the Thoughts of the Duke of Shao and Mohism
摘要 中国学术在春秋战国时代最为繁荣昌盛,在这个时代最为显赫的是儒墨两家。韩非子说:"世之显学,儒墨也。儒之所至,孔丘也;墨之所至,墨翟也。"孔子号称"祖述三代,宪章文武",墨子崇拜夏禹,自称"非禹之道也,不足为墨",实则都发端周初。孔子发扬当时当政的周公政治思想,形成以尊王攘夷、使民治民为主体的儒家学说,构成了数千年长盛不衰的官方哲学。墨子发扬其时虽为三公之一,但鲜为人知的召公为政思想,形成以兼爱非攻、亲民惠民为主体的墨家学说,也就是自秦汉以后逐步衰亡的平民哲学。召公思想及墨家学说的研究与宣传,对于今天有中国特色的社会主义建设仍有着积极的现实意义。 The Period of the Spri ng and Autumn and the Warring States witnesses the most prosperous glory of Chinese academic achievement. Confucianism and Mohism have been regarded as the most eminent representatives in the era. Han Feizi once claimed that the ultimate honor of the academic achievement should be awarded to Confucianism and Mohism, whose typical role models were respectively Confucius and Mo-tse. As the extolment highly eulogizing Confucius goes, academic achievement of three generations in his clan should be followed while the political capability of Emperor Wen and Wu of Zhou Dynasty should be emulated. Mo-tse adored Xia Yu and maintained that thoughts violating the norms of Xia Yu didn't possess the qualification to be classified as Mohism. Both Confucianism and Mohism originated from the early stage of Zhou Dynasty. Confucius promoted the political thoughts of the Duke of Zhou and formed the ever lasting Confucianism, which is mainly based on the principle of respecting the emperors, expelling the barbarians and self governing. Mo-tse enhanced the political thoughts of the Duke of Shao. He created Mohism with the focus of displaying universal love, implementing non-violence and giving priority to the people's benefits. The thought was just the civilian philosophy which gradually declined since Qin and Han Dynasty. However, the study and research of the thoughts of the Duke of Shao and Mohism still has a positive practical significance for socialist construction with Chinese characteristics today.
作者 梁绍辉
出处 《廉政文化研究》 2014年第6期1-6,共6页 Anti-corruption and Integrity Culture Studies
关键词 儒墨 召公思想 墨家学说 现实意义 Confucianism and Mohism thoughts of the Duke of Shao thoughts of Mohism practical significance
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  • 1(唐)韩愈著.韩昌黎全集[M]. 中国书店, 1991








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