4[3]Richard Hersh and John Merrow,eds.,Declining by Degrees:Higher Education at Risk.New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2005.
5[4]James Fallows,"College admissions:a substitute for quality?",Declining by Degrees:Higher Education at Risk,ch.3.
6[1]Jay Mathews,"Caveat lector:unexamined assumptions about quality in higher education",Declining by Degrees:Higher Education at Risk,ch.4.
7[2]Murray Sperber,"How undergraduate education became college lite",Declining by Degrees:Higher Education at Risk,ch.9.
8[3]Howard Gardner,"Beyond markets and individuals:a focus on educational goals";and David L.Kirp,"This littie student went to market",Declining by Degrees:Higher Education at Risk,ch.7 and 8.
9[4]Harry R.Lewis,Excellence Without a Soul:How a Great University Forgot Education,New York:Public Affairs,2006.