
创业型企业家及其心理特质 被引量:6

Reviews on Entrepreneurs and Their Psychological Characteristics
摘要 创业型企业家不仅指那些创立新企业的企业主,也包括那些引领企业实现创新的领导者。过去20多年的研究发现,创业型企业家具有相当独特的心理特质,这些特质虽然并不一定直接对创业结果产生影响,但结合某些中介变量的作用,往往可成为理解创业型企业家产生和成功的原因。创业型企业家心理特质的研究,尤其是针对本土创业型企业家心理特质的研究不仅有理论意义,对创业教育和创业实践也有重要的启发作用。 Entrepreneurs are not only those who establish new medium-small-scale enterprises, but also those who lead the enter-prise to achieve innovation. Studies of more than 20 years have indicated that they have some special psychological characteristics. E-ven those special psychological characteristics do not directly influence the business result, but could be the reasons to understand the entrepreneurs’ forming and their success when some mediating variables are also considered. This topic could have a bright future with further study which may be helpful for promoting its value in theory and practical significance.
出处 《科技与经济》 2014年第6期91-95,共5页 Science & Technology and Economy
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目--"民企高层管理者心理契约结构及影响因素研究"(项目编号:10YJCZH226 项目负责人:张倩秋)成果之一
关键词 创业型企业家 心理特质 成功特征 entrepreneurs psychological characteristics entrepreneurial success characteristics
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