
大孔树脂复配纯化油茶多酚的吸附特性研究 被引量:5

Adsorption Properties of Camellia Oleifera Abel Polyphenols on Mixed Macroporous Resins
摘要 为提高大孔吸附树脂对油茶多酚的吸附性能,采用不同极性的大孔树脂复配的方法,对油茶籽饼粕中提取的多酚物质进行吸附纯化.研究表明,90 %(wt)D101-1/10 %(wt) DM301复配对油茶多酚的吸附效率最高、达83.75%,且高于单一树脂对油茶多酚的吸附.在温度为298~315 K,三种模型的非线性拟合结果表明复配树脂对油茶多酚吸附平衡数据符合Langmuir等温吸附模型;对吸附焓、自由能、吸附熵的计算进一步验证了复配树脂对油茶多酚的吸附是放热自发的物理吸附.在此基础上进一步研究了298 K下复配树脂对油茶多酚的吸附动力学,结果表明Pseudo-second-order动力学模型能够很好地描述该吸附过程. In order to enhance adsorption ability of polyphenols on the macroporous resin, mixed macroporous resins were investigated to purify polyphenols extracted from deoiled Camellia oleifera Abel meal. The results show that 90%(wt) D101-1/10 %(wt) DM301 mixed resin is selected as the best for adsorption of the polyphenols with the adsorption ratio of 83.75 %, superior to the adsorption performance of each single resin. The equilibrium data for the adsorption of polyphenols on the mixed resin were measured at 298-315 K and the nonlinear fitting with three isotherm models suggests that Langmuir isotherm model matches the experimental data best. The adsorption enthalpy, free energy and entropy were calculated and the results indicate that the adsorption of polyphenols onto the mixed resins is an exothermic and spontaneous physical adsorption. The kinetics of the adsorption of polyphenols on mixed resins was investigated at 298 K. The result shows that the Pseudo-second-order model describes the adsorption process well.
出处 《高校化学工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1399-1404,共6页 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities
关键词 大孔树脂 复配 吸附热力学 等温线 动力学 非线性拟合 macroporousresin mix adsorption thermodynarodcs isotherm kinetics nonlinear fitting
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