
阿魏酸钠注射液对冠心病患者血脂、血浆一氧化氮和血管内皮素-1的影响 被引量:10

Influence of sodium ferulate injection on levels of blood lipid,nitric oxide and endothelin-1 in patients with coronary heart disease
摘要 目的观察阿魏酸钠注射液对冠状动脉性心脏病(冠心病)患者血脂、血浆一氧化氮(NO)及内皮素-1(ET-1)的影响。方法 80例冠心病患者随机分为观察组42例和对照组38例。对照组给予降血脂、抗血小板聚集、改善微循环等常规治疗,观察组加用阿魏酸钠注射液静脉滴注。检测治疗前、后2组患者血脂、血浆NO和ET-1水平。结果观察组总有效率92.86%,显著高于对照组的73.68%(P<0.05);治疗后2组血脂水平改善显著(P<0.05或P<0.01),且观察组显著优于对照组(P<0.05或P<0.01);治疗后2组血浆NO水平显著升高(P<0.01),ET-1水平显著降低(P<0.01),且2组间比较差异显著(P<0.01)。结论阿魏酸钠注射液治疗冠心病疗效确切,可显著升高血浆NO表达水平和降低ET-1水平,保护血管内皮功能。 Objective To investigate the influence of sodium ferulate injection on levels of blood lipid,nitric oxide (NO) and endothelin-1 (ET-1) in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD).Methods A total of 80 patients with CHD were randomly divided into observation group (n =42) and control group (n =38).Conventional treatment including Anti-hyperlipidemia,antiplatelet aggregation and microcirculation improvement were given to both groups,and addition intravenous drip of sodium ferulate was administrated in observation group.The blood lipid,nitric oxide (NO) and endothelin-1 (ET-1) were detected before and after treatment.Results Overall response rate was 92.86 % in observation group and 73.68 % in control group (P 〈 0.05).Levels of blood lipid were improved in both groups after treatment and significantly different between groups (P 〈 0.05,P 〈 0.01).patients achieved more increased plasma NO and decreased ET-1 compared to those in control group (P〈0.01).Conclusion Findings indicates the effects of sodium ferulate injection,which can protect the vascular endothelial function.
作者 朱艳玲 张梅
出处 《实用临床医药杂志》 CAS 2014年第23期11-13,共3页 Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice
基金 中国高校医学期刊临床专项资金(11321439)
关键词 冠心病 阿魏酸钠 一氧化氮 血管内皮素-1 血脂 coronary heart disease sodium ferulate nitric oxide endothelin-1 bold lipid
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