环境资源问题的主要根源在于外部性、公共物品性和自身的无价性。通过“资产”内涵的概述 ,说明环境资源资产化管理必须建立和完善环境资源产权制度 ,必须建立合理的环境资源价格体系 ,必须研究解决环境资源的计量问题。环境资源资产化管理的最终目的是解决环境资源的“市场失灵”。
Externality, public good and no value of environment and resource is the main reason of environment and resource questions. This paper, by accounting for the connotation of asset, gives the following means to realize environment and resource asset management. One need to institutionalize the property of environment and resource and to perfect it; Other need to construct the price system of environment and resource; Another need to study and resolve the measure of environment and resource. To resolve the market failure of environment and resource is the final goal of environment and resource asset management.