
健康人力资本与经济增长的均衡分析 被引量:2

Healthy Human capital, Health Expenditures and Economic Differences Between Regions
摘要 按照新经济增长理论观点,当生产函数中加入人力资本和技术水平后会导致各国家和各地区的经济增长呈现差异,并且随着时间的推移将会不断扩大[1]。基于健康人力资本层面,着力研究健康是如何影响经济增长以及所产生的地区经济差异。在总结前人已有的模型基础上,通过在健康生产函数中加入私人健康支出这一变量来构建一个RCK增长模型,结果表明,物质生产函数和健康生产函数的不同类型直接决定着模型的动态结果,在某些情况下经济存在多重均衡,在某些情况下存在着唯一的均衡,在另一些情况下存在极限环。这有助于从理论上来解释现实经济当中所存在的地区经济差异现象。在实证部分对健康投资进行了细分,结果表明我国正处在由传统的"物质资本驱动型经济"向"人力资本驱动型经济"转型时期,在转型过程中应进一步释放私人健康投资的活力。 According to the point of view from new theory of economic growth, adding the human capital and technology to the production function of will lead to differences in the level of economic growth in all countries and regions, and the differences will also continue to expand over the time. This paper focuses on the level of health human capital, exploring the effects of health human capital on economic growth and the regional economic differences arising. on the basis of the previous existing models,by adding the variable of private health spending to health production function to build a growth model of RCK, the results showed that the different forms of the physical production function and the health production function directly determines the dynamic results of the model, in some cases the economic exists a multiple equilibria, in some cases there is a unique equilibrium, in some other cases there is a limit cycle. This helps to explain the phenomenon of regional economic differences reality existed in the reality.
作者 钱信
机构地区 安徽财经大学
出处 《铜陵学院学报》 2014年第5期26-30,共5页 Journal of Tongling University
关键词 健康人力资本 经济增长 地区差异 贫困 healthy human capital economic growth regional differentials poverty
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