

A Brief Analysis on Methods to Stimulate Students' Learning Interest in the Teaching of New Curriculum Geography
摘要 本文结合新课程实验,对新课导入、教学过程、课外活动等环节,如何设计和优化激发学生地理学习兴趣的方法进行浅析。在教学中,学生的地理成绩普遍不高,教师的教和学生的学都很费力,严重影响班级整体水平的提高。究其原因,缺乏地理学习兴趣是其重要因素之一。面对当前教学改革,我们必须树立科学的发展观,以学生为本,尊重教学规律,科学施教,激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生由"要我学"转为"我要学"。在新课程的地理课堂教学中,教师怎样使课堂教学变得生动活泼,使学生学习变得轻松愉快,达到学以致用、提高能力的目的,是每一名地理教师值得探究的问题。兴趣是学习的原动力,在地理教学中,激发学生学习地理的兴趣,对提高教学质量无疑会收到良好的效果。 Combined with the new curriculum experiment, this paper makes a brief analysis on how to design and optimize the methods to stimulate students' interest in geography learning in such links as new lesson introduction, teaching process and ex-tracurricular activities. In teaching, students' geography perfor-mance is generally poor and teachers' teaching and students' learning are both inefficient, severely affecting the improvement of the overall level of the class. Investigating its reason, the lack of interest in geography learning is one of the important factors. In face of the current teaching reform, we must establish the concept of scientific development, take students as the orientation, obey teaching rules, and implement scientific teaching, so as to stimu-late students' interest in learning, and make students change from passive learning to active learning. In the classroom teaching of the new curriculum geography, how to make classroom teaching lively and vivid, make students relaxed and happy, so as to help students apply what they learned to practice and improve their a-bilities, is an issue worthy of exploration by every geography teacher. Interest is the motive power of learning, so in the geogra-phy teaching, to stimulate students' interest in learning geography will undoubtedly improve the quality of teaching.
作者 吴国伟
出处 《科教文汇》 2014年第35期187-188,共2页 Journal of Science and Education
关键词 新课程 地理教学 激发兴趣 new curriculum geography teaching stimulating interest
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