
微信用药教育公众平台的构建及应用研究 被引量:23

Research on Construction and Application of the Wechat Public Platform of Patient Education
摘要 目的 探讨微信公众平台用于用药教育、药物咨询的可行性,提高患者用药依从性,促进合理用药。方法 建立微信用药教育公众平台,开展公众用药教育、药物咨询服务,比较微信药物咨询与传统药物咨询的差异。结果 2013年10月1日—2014年3月31日,共724位微信用户加入微信用药教育公众平台,年龄以21~40岁为主,占71.14%。收到微信用药咨询401次,其中以咨询用药注意事项居首位,占20.70%,收到窗口药物咨询527次,其中以咨询药品有无居首位,占23.15%。在咨询内容方面微信药物咨询和窗口药物咨询存在显著差异(P〈0.01)。结论 微信用药教育公众平台作为"多模态"新兴媒介适用于用药教育和药物咨询,可在医院中推广应用。 OBJECTIVE To investigate the feasibility of the We Chat Public Platform for patient education and drug consultation, so as to improve the patients medication compliance, promote rational drug application. METHODS Established the We Chat Public Platform of patient education and carried out the service of public patient education and drug consultation. Compared the difference between We Chat drug consultation and on site drug consultation. RESULTS From October 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014, a total of 724 We Chat users joined the We Chat Public Platform of patient education and the aged from 21 to 40 accounting for 71.14%. Received the We Chat drug consultation 401 times and with consulting medical attention in the first place, accounted for 20.70%. Received the on site drug consultation 527 times and with consulting drugs have or not in the first place, accounting for 23.15%. We Chat drug consultation and on site drugs consultation significant differences on consulting content(P0.01). CONCLUSION We Chat Public Platform of patient education as a multimodal emerging media is suitable for patient education and drug consultation. It can be widely used in hospital.
出处 《中国现代应用药学》 CAS CSCD 2014年第12期1520-1525,共6页 Chinese Journal of Modern Applied Pharmacy
基金 浙江省药学会医院药学专项科研资助项目(2013ZYY03) 浙江省医药卫生科技计划项目(2013KYB063 2012KYA041)
关键词 微信 微信公众平台 用药教育 药物咨询 用药指导 We Chat We Chat Public Platform patient education consultation on medicine directions on using the medicine
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