
植物避荫反应信号转导途径研究进展 被引量:3

Advances in signaling pathways of plant shade avoidance response
摘要 植物避荫反应是指细胞内各种形式的光信号受体相互作用,在感受到植物被遮荫后引起茎秆伸长的反应。首先介绍了树冠遮荫造成的光环境及其光信号受体,红光(680 nm)/远红光(730 nm)量子比率R∶FR,是植物避荫反应中重要的信号分子;植物避荫反应的光受体有光敏色素、隐花色素、向光素和UVR8蛋白,介绍了它们在光信号感受中的不同作用目标和生物功能;重点讨论了光敏色素相互作用因子(Phytochrome Interacting Factors,PIFs)和光敏色素、植物激素的相互作用及其调控植物避荫反应的分子机制;并介绍组成型光形态建成1(constitutive photomorphogenesis 1,COP1)蛋白在避荫反应调控中的作用;最后对夜晚和光斑环境下的植物避荫反应调控机制作了简要概述。 Plant shade avoidance response was the intracellular interaction of various photoreceptor forms, which caused stem growth after perceiving the shade signal of plants. The canopy light environment and photoreceptors were introduced firstly. The quantum ratio R ∶FR of red light(680 nm) and far red light(730 nm) was an important signal molecule in plant shade avoidance response. The photoreceptors of shade avoidance response included phytochrome,cryptochrome, phototropin and UVR8 protein. The different targets and biological function of photoreceptors in light signal perception were introduced. It was emphasized on the interaction and molecular regulation mechanism of Phytochrome Interacting Factors(PIFs) and phytochrome, as well as plant hormones. The function of constitutive photomorphogenesis 1(COP1) protein in the plant shade avoidance response was also introduced. Finally, the plant shade avoidance in response to night and sunflecks was summarized.
作者 周峰
出处 《广东农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第22期141-145,共5页 Guangdong Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家"863"计划项目(2012AA021701) 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金(BK2012073) 江苏省生态学重点学科建设项目(苏教研[2012]2号)
关键词 避荫反应 光受体 PIFs COP1 shade avoidance response photoreceptors Phytochrome Interactint Factors constitutive photomorphogenesis 1
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