在海上进行资源调查时,船舶航迹线的制作是必不可少的,船舶航行的轨迹和调查的工作量都能通过航迹线清晰而直观地反映出来。列举了航迹数据采集的几种方式,给出了数据提取的方法,再通过Global Mapper进行航迹线的绘制,该软件绘制的航迹线可根据需要更改颜色、粗细等参数,并可显示航迹线所在海域的水深变化情况,基于Global Mapper绘制的航迹线对成果资料的验收提供了更为可靠和有效的参考。
It is necessary to design the vessel's track for resource survey on the sea, and the route of sailing and workload of survey will be reflected by the vessel's track. This paper enumerates several manners for data collection and a method for data extraction, then making use of C-lobal Mapper to plot the vessel's track which can change color, thickness and otherwise, while trend of the depth will be revealed. The vessel's track that is plotted by Global Mapper will provide reference for checkout of the datum more reliable and effective.
Marine Geology Frontiers