

Design and preliminary test of liquid phase pVT measurement system using constant-volume cell
摘要 液相pVT是流体的重要热物理性质之一,定容法是一种可靠、精确的液相pVT测试方法。分析了定容法液相pVT的测量原理,并在此基础上研制了一套液相pVT实验系统,主要包括实验段、温度测量系统、压力测量系统、密度测量系统及真空系统,对可能影响实验测量精度的因素进行了细致分析,探索了液相pVT的实验流程。利用高纯度 R134a标定了294.899 K、21.847 MPa 下的体积,研究了温度与压力的影响,在此基础上开展了温度270~295 K,压力1.7~21.8 MPa下的 R134a液相pVT实验,测量结果与文献结果吻合很好,验证了实验系统的可靠性和精度。 Liquid phase pVT behavior is an important thermodynamic property and can be measured precisely with a constant-volume cell. Based on the fundamental theory of the constant-volume method, a new apparatus for liquid phase pVT measurement was designed, including a constant-volume cell,measurement systems of temperature,pressure,mass and a vacuum system. The volume of the constant-volume cell was calibrated with high purity R134a at a temperature of 294.899 K and a pressure of 21.847 MPa.Then the effect of temperature and pressure on the cell volume was analyzed.The pVT behavior of R134a in liquid phase was measured at a temperature range from 270 K to 295 K and pressure from 1.7 MPa to 21.8 MPa.The experimental results agree well with the reference equation of state,which demonstrates the reliability and accuracy of the apparatus.
出处 《热科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期289-294,共6页 Journal of Thermal Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51236004 51321002)
关键词 液相pVT 定容法 R134A R134a liquid phase pVT constant-volume cell R134a
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