

A Review of Research on the Relationship between Technology and Organization in Sociology
摘要 概括而言,技术与组织关系研究领域呈现出从技术权变论到社会建构论、双向互动论的研究视角演进。一方面,社会学视阈下的技术与组织关系研究,借助整体观、过程观和关系结构观等视角优势,多从宏观制度、社会结构、文化认同、群体利益等层面展开具体分析。另一方面,社会学视阈下的技术与组织关系研究,虽然承认效率和绩效考虑的重要性,但却强调不同组织主体利用技术实现特定目标的社会过程,并关注不同群体或个人的利益配置问题。 This article presents the research history on the relationship between technology and organization in Sociology. In sum, the research on Relationship between Technology and Organization has undergone the paradigm transformation from the technical contingency theory to social const'uction theory, and two-way interaction theory. On the one hand, the studies on the relationship between technology and organization in sociology, with the help of holistic approach, dynamic and structural perspective, launch the concrete analysis from the macro system, social structure, and cultural identity to group interest level. On the other hand, although these studies acknowledge the importance of efficiency and benefit topics, but they especially emphasis the process of different actors using the technologies to achieve specific goals, and pay more attention to the interests distribution problem of different groups or individuals.
出处 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2014年第6期52-56,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目"企业技术进步与部门间关系结构:基于一汽轿车和一汽大众的个案比较分析"(11YJC840050)阶段性成果 北京市哲学社会科学规划项目"技术进步与组织间关系:以中关村科技园的两个园区为例"(12SHC021)阶段性成果
关键词 技术 组织 关系 社会学视阈 relationship technology organization sociological perspective
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