

Aristotle's “Fence”and the Study of Cognitive Metaphor
摘要 亚里士多德作为最早对隐喻进行系统性研究的理论家,无论是在对隐喻概念与研究范畴的界定还是隐喻的分类及标准等方面,其理论对后世的相关研究有着复杂而深远的影响。所谓亚里士多德的"藩篱",是指隐喻研究中较为普遍的一种看法,认为他将隐喻看作特殊的语言现象,主要从语词层面探讨隐喻问题,其理论也局限于修辞学范畴之内,对于隐喻研究在当代的认知向度并无太大的启示。文章通过对这一问题的辨析,指出无论是在理论前提、类型划分和具体观点等层面,亚里士多德的隐喻理论都仍具有重要的理论价值和启示性。辨析亚里士多德的"藩篱",并不是为了让隐喻研究回归亚里士多德,而是通过澄清对其隐喻观的误解来说明在当代隐喻研究中还有许多观念需要探讨和匡正。 As one of the earliest theorists who studied the concept of metaphor systematically, Aristotle' theory has complex and profound influence, whether in the research of the definition, classification and standards. The so - called "fence" of Aristotle is a kind of view of cognitive metaphorical study that Aristotle' s study on metaphor was limited to words, and he regarded metaphor as a special phenomenon deviating from the everyday language, therefore his research on metaphor was confined to the category of rhetoric and wasnot of an inspiration, especially in cognitive study of metaphor thus far. The main idea of this article is to explain that Aristotle' s views still have the theoretical value.
作者 郭琳
出处 《湖北文理学院学报》 2014年第12期23-27,34,共6页 Journal of Hubei University of Arts and Science
基金 2014年度湖北省教育厅人文社会科学研究项目(14Q086)
关键词 亚里士多德 隐喻 认知 Aristotle Metaphor Cognitiveness
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