目的对76例后半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕患者进行回顾性分析,探讨正中平卧位改良DixHallpike法对良性阵发性位置性眩晕诊断的意义。方法采用平卧位改良Dix-Hallpike法对眩晕患者进行检查,对结果为阳性患者应用SRM-Ⅳ型良性阵发性位置性眩晕诊治仪进行经典Dix-Hallpike法检查,之后行360°滚转复位法进行复位。比较正中平卧位Dix-Hallpike相对于经典Dix-Hallpike法诱发的眼震的潜伏期、持续时间及慢性速度。结果正中平卧位Dix-Hallpike阳性率为76.32%(58/76),同经典D ix-H allpike法诱发的眼震在潜伏期、持续时间及慢性速度方面差异均有统计学意义。结论正中平卧位改良Dix-Hallpike法能减轻患者痛苦,减少检查流程,对后半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕有明确诊断意义。
Objective To explore the value of center head Dix -Hallpike in the diagnosis of benign paroxys‐mal positional vertigo of posterior semicircular canal .Methods Sixty -seven cases of posterior canal BP‐PV were analyzed retrospectively ,all of the patients were tested by the center head Dix - Hallpike test first ,if the vertigo and positional nystagmus were not induced ,then the traditional Dix -Hallpike test was performed .The incubation period ,duration ,nystagmus parameter of center head Dix -Hallpik test com‐pared to the traditional test were calculated .Results The positive rate of center head Dix -Hallpik test was 76 .32% in the total 76 cases of posterior canal BPPV ,there were statistical significance in incubation period ,duration ,nystagmus parameter between the center head Dix -Hallpik test and the traditional test . Conclusion The center head Dix -Hallpike test can simplify the procedure of diagnosis of posterior canal BPPV and it can reduce the severity of the vertigo in some patients .
Chinese Journal of Coal Industry Medicine