
Prospects for improving research communication and the incentive system in science 被引量:3

Prospects for improving research communication and the incentive system in science
摘要 Much concern has been expressed in recent years about the processes associated with publishing research in high-profile journals,particularly within the life sciences and biomedicine[1-4].Researchers are frequently subjected to substantial delays in communicating their work,overzealous reviewers make demands for extensive revision,and essential information and data are often relegated Much concern has been expressed in recent years about the processes associated with publishing research in high-profile journals,particularly within the life sciences and biomedicine.Researchers are frequently subjected to substantial delays in communicating their work,overzealous reviewers make demands for extensive revision,and essential information and data are often relegated to supplementary files with little functionality. More broadly, much of this work is not published open access, and the quality and reliability of the science that is being reported in top-ranking journals has been called into question.
出处 《中国科技期刊研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期3-7,共5页 Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals
关键词 科学期刊 发行工作 中国 行业管理 communicating reviewers incentive publishing revision figures editor publications initiative representing
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