
苦荞杂交后代优良株系筛选研究 被引量:7

Study on Selecting Method for Excellent Offspring Lines of Tartary Buckwheat
摘要 对来源不同的9个苦荞品种的开花日数、株高、一级分枝数等9个农艺性状进行了Tukey的多重比较和主成分分析,筛选出性状间有显著差异的6个品种,进行了不完全双列杂交。根据对不完全双列杂交亲本间差异的分析结果,从中筛选出株高、一级分枝数等6个性状有显著遗传性差异的2个品种,测定其分离后代(F2和F3)各农艺性状的遗传模式和遗传相关。在北陸4号和石荞的F4中发现了12个优良单株(早熟、矮秆、高产),并根据苦荞各农艺性状的遗传特性,讨论了筛选优良株系的选拔方法。结果表明,利用杂交育种法筛选优良株系时,首先利用SSD法繁殖至F4,再利用系统育种法来选拔最为有效。 Nine agronomic traits including days to flowering, plant height, and first branch number, were used to evaluate nine tartary buckwheat (Pagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaerth)varieties from different sources using multiple comparison Tukey and principal component analysis. Among them, six lines with large variation were selected and conducted diallel crosses. According to the results of diallel analyses, two varieties showing widest pairwised differ- ences in plant height, first branch number, etc, were selected. Finally, six most varied agronomic traits were selected to evaluate the segregating individuals from the cross between the two selected varieties. The mode of inheritance and genetic correlation of each agronomic trait were estimated. From the Fa generation of Hokuriku No. 4 and Ishiso- ba, we identified twelve excellent plants (days to flowering early, short plant height and high yield) , and based on the genetic information of these agronomic traits of tartary buckwheat, selecting strategy for excellent offspring lines was discussed on traits by using hybrid breeding method. The most effective strategy was comprised by SSD method in promoting of segregating population to F4 generation, and pedigree breeding method afterwards.
出处 《植物遗传资源学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期168-172,共5页 Journal of Plant Genetic Resources
基金 国家燕麦荞麦产业技术体系(CARS-08-C-2) 云南省社会发展科技计划(2012CH009)
关键词 苦荞 农艺性状 双列杂交 筛选方法 优良株系 taytary buckwheat agronomic traits diallel crosses selecting method excellent offspring
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