介绍了使用Visio 2003绘制针织服装结构制图的详细步骤与方法。以实例证明,使用该软件绘制服装结构图十分快速简捷,且绘制的结构图标准美观,对于款式简洁、结构线较少的服装特别是针织服装的结构制图完全可以胜任。随着Visio功能的不断完善它在服装设计领域的广泛应用将成为可能。
The detailed steps and method of drawing the structure charts for knitting garments based on Visio 2003 were introduced. Examples showed that Visio 2003 was a quick and easy software for garment structure charting and the drawn charts were precise and artistic. It is quite qualified for structure charting of garments with simple style and less structure lines. With improvement of its functions, Visio' s wide usage in garment design was possible.
Journal of Chengdu Textile College