

Top-k Algorithms on Probabilistic Data Integration in Mobile Computing Environment
摘要 基于一个给定的移动计算场景,讨论了模式映射的概率和相关的查询回答算法,并且描述了一个分布式的Top-k算法. Based on a given mobile computing scenario,we discuss the probability for schema mappings and related algorithm of query answer,then describe a distributed TOP-K algorithm working with a local one.
作者 潘林 齐庆芳
出处 《德州学院学报》 2014年第6期63-67,共5页 Journal of Dezhou University
关键词 移动计算 数据集成 数据概率 模式匹配 TOP-K 查询 mobile computing data integration data probability schema mapping Top-k query
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