

Establishment of English Self-learning Centres at Vocational Colleges
摘要 学习环境是自主学习的一大前提条件,而自主学习中心则是为了营造最佳自主学习环境应运而生的。由于我国高职外语教师普遍人手不足,学习者课后时间充裕,缺乏学习策略等原因,建立一个适合高职学习者自主学习的英语自主学习中心非常必要。本文从自主学习中心的不同类型出发,探讨了适合高职英语自主学习的中心模式,基本条件,人员配备,活动内容及测试评估,希为今后建成真正的高职英语自主学习中心提供一定的理论借鉴和参考。 The quality of learning environment can directly influence the quality of self-learning. So self-learning centres are designed to create a favorable environment for self-learners. Because vocational colleges in China are short of English teachers at large and vocational students are generally rich in spare time and poor in learning strategies, it is necessary to set up self-learning centres for them. According to different types of self-learning centres, the paper discusses several aspects as to the establishment including operation mode, basic conditions, staffing mode, arrangement of activities, testing and assessment. It is hoped that the paper can be used for reference by other vocational colleges.
作者 郑洁
出处 《天津商务职业学院学报》 2014年第6期71-73,共3页 Journal of Tianjin College of Commerce
关键词 高职英语 自主学习 自主学习中心 higher vocational English self-learning self-learning centre
  • 相关文献


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