为了在推行精益生产实践中缩短生产提前期,提出了一种按单制造(MTO)模式下的提前期绩效改进模型.针对3M中国工厂HH系列显示屏(LCD HH)产品的业务流程,通过因果矩阵和失效模式与结果分析(FMEA),找出影响提前期绩效的关键因素,并采用价值流分析、统计检验等方法来进一步论证.研究发现,通过业务过程优化(如业务流程重组)和信息技术整合(如看板管理),3M中国工厂生产率从原来的平均1 505件/h提高到1 600件/h,产品可获得性水平从89.7%提高到90%以上,明显缩短了生产提前期,从原来的5.88d缩短到3d,最终提高了公司的客户满意度和竞争能力.
To decrease production lead time in lean production practice, a model to improve lead time performance in MTO is presented in this paper. In the business process of I.CD HH product in 3M China factory, the key factors on lead time performance were found by C&E matrix and FMEA, descriptive statistics methods were used to give an empirical evidence. We found that business process optimization (such as BPR) and information integration (such as Kanban) can improve lead time performance and productivity under no effect on inventory status. Thus these enhance customer satisfaction and the competitiveness of enterprises.
Group Technology & Production Modernization