
温度对静态铅铋中氧浓度变化的影响 被引量:9

Effect of Temperature on Oxygen Concentration Change in Static Lead-bismuth Eutectic
摘要 液态铅铋反应堆中铅铋合金氧浓度直接影响到结构材料的寿命和热工水力学性能,需要控制在特定范围以保证堆的正常运行。温度会影响铅铋中氧浓度的变化行为,因此也就影响着氧浓度控制的精确度和范围。为获得温度对氧浓度变化的影响规律,在450~600℃温度范围内进行相关实验以获得氧传感器电压信号E和氧浓度CO随时间和温度的变化曲线。实验结果显示,温度升高对加速耗氧过程中氧浓度变化较为明显,而对补氧过程表现为减速作用,可能原因为温度升高加速了耗氧过程中氧扩散与氧化物分解反应速率,但对补氧过程中金属元素氧化物生成的放热反应有一定的抑制效应。 In the lead-bismuth(LBE)cooled reactor,oxygen concentration in liquid leadbismuth directly affects the life of the structure material and thermal hydraulics performance.Itshould be controlled to a specific range based on temperature in order to ensure the normal operation of the reactor.At the same time,the temperature can affect oxygen concentration change behavior in the process of oxygen control.In this research,oxygen concentration change experiments were carried out under 450-600℃toget the law of oxygen concentration variation with time and temperature.The experiment results showed that the temperature rise accelerated the rate of oxygen change during the oxygen consumption process apparently,and it showed deceleration effect in oxygen dissolving process.The reason may be that the temperature rise accelerated oxygen dissolving and the oxide decomposition reaction in the oxygen consumption process,whereas it deaccelerated oxide formation.
出处 《核科学与工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期488-493,499,共7页 Nuclear Science and Engineering
基金 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项“ADS嬗变系统”(XDA03040000) 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划“LBE/辐照协同作用对ADS散裂靶结构材料的损伤机理”(91026002) 国家自然科学基金“氧在LBE中扩散行为以及与LBE相互作用机制研究”(51301163) 国家自然科学基金重点支持项目“加速器驱动次临界堆瞬态安全过程与影响机理研究”(91026004)
关键词 铅铋反应堆 铅铋合金 氧浓度控制 氧扩散 lead-bismuth reactor lead-bismuth eutectic oxygen concentration control oxygen diffusion
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