

Implantation and Application of Radio Transmitter for Wild Tracking Burmese Python
摘要 为了保护濒危野生蟒蛇种群,监控了野生和放生蟒蛇的活动范围、栖息地大小以及移动距离,研究和设计了应用于蟒蛇体内的无线电信号发射器及其植入技术,并观察了其野外使用的效果.实际使用的效果表明,在蟒蛇皮下埋植无线电发射器以后,发射信号的强度有一定的衰减,在开阔地带探测距离可达到1~2km,而在自然界障碍物遮挡的情况下,其探测距离缩短到0.5~1 km;在野外放生蟒蛇1~3昼夜以后,仍可以探测到蟒蛇的位置,本方法可基本满足野外跟踪和寻找蟒蛇位置的要求;在蟒蛇体内埋置跟踪器以后,未发生天线缠绕和其穿透皮肤而暴露体外的现象.蟒蛇跟踪器的埋置手术简单、成功率高,并且蟒蛇的活动、摄食、消化、蜕皮等不受影响,该法可以推广应用于其他蛇类等爬行动物的跟踪研究. To protect the wild population of Burmese Python(Python bivittatus),the range of activity,habitat size,and move distance were monitored,a miniature radio-transmitteranwas designed and its surgical implantation for Burmese Python(Python bivittatus) was performed,and the effects were observed.The results indicated that the maximum transmissiondistance range from 1.0 ~ 2.0 km for open fields,if there are some obstacles,the maximum transmission distance range from 0.5 ~ 1.0 km;after being released for 1 ~ 3 days,the pythons still can be located.The operation did not cause physiological or behavioral changes of all the pythons operated,and which was adapted for tracking or locating of other snakes inthe wild fields.
出处 《海南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2014年第4期363-367,共5页 Natural Science Journal of Hainan University
基金 海南省重点科研项目(ZDXM20120007)
关键词 蟒蛇 无线电发射器 手术埋植 无线电跟踪 野外跟踪 Burmese python Python bivittatus radio transmitter surgical implantation radio tracking
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