

The Research on Acculturation Problem and Countermeasures of Migrant Children in Urban Public Schools
摘要 近些年来,城市农民工子女接受义务教育的问题成为了社会各界关注的焦点。随着"两为主"政策的出台,就读于城市公办学校的农民工子女日益增多,但对于这一群体的农民工子女而言,他们往往面临着的文化适应问题。针对这一问题,学校和教师理应在文化层面上帮扶农民工子女:要让其尽早适应学校教学文化,养成良好的心态和行为习惯,并能促成其人际交往能力得到提升。而要实现以上目标,学校和教师必然要坚持多元化教学策略、加强家校合作联合帮扶、建立全面帮扶机制,推进农民工子女和城市学生尽快融合。 In recent years, the city of migrant children to receive compulsory education issue has become a focus of public attention. With the introduction of the "two-oriented" policy, studying in the city public schools for migrant children is increasing, and they are often faced with a big problem of acculturation. Aiming at this problem, schools and teachers should be assist them in the cultural level: to make them to adapt to the school teaching culture ; cultivate the habit of good mentality and behavior; and improve them the interpersonal ability. To achieve the above goals, the school and the teachers should take the diversification measures of teaching strategies ; to strengthen home-school cooperation ; joint assistance to establish a comprehensive mechanism of helping the children of migrant workers and promote them and urban students to fuse as soon as possible.
出处 《现代教育论丛》 2014年第6期10-16,共7页 Modern Education Review
基金 2012年广东高校优秀青年创新人才培养计划项目"农民工子女在城市公立学校的文化适应及其管理机制研究"(项目编号:2012WYM_0044) 广州市哲学社会科学发展"十二五"规划2012年度课题"广州市外来务工人员子女融入城市学校研究:文化适应的视角"(项目编号:2012QN10)的研究成果
关键词 农民工子女 城市公办学校 文化适应 文化帮扶 Migrant children Urban public schools Cultural acculturation Cultural assistance
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