工艺参数对拼焊板拉弯成形结构件的外形精度有着重要的影响,针对所研究的拼焊板零件的结构形式,其外侧线轮廓、内侧线轮廓、筋部面轮廓等都是评价成形质量的重要指标。通过正交试验,研究了拉弯成形过程中的夹头各阶段的旋转角α1~α4,以及夹头沿坯料轴线方向的引伸力F 等工艺参数,对构件外侧线轮廓、内侧线轮廓、筋部面轮廓、外侧面轮廓及内侧面轮廓等外形精度的影响,获得了影响拼焊板拉弯件成形外形精度的影响因素的主次顺序。研究结果表明,影响外侧线轮廓与筋部面轮廓因素的主次顺序为:引伸力 F、旋转角α4、旋转角α3、旋转角α2、旋转角α1;内侧线轮廓各个影响因素的极差值均很小,且测量值均匀,可认为内侧线轮廓基本不受工艺参数影响;影响外侧面轮廓与内侧面轮廓因素的主次顺序为:旋转角α3、旋转角α4、旋转角α2、旋转角α1、引伸力 F。
The precision of profile of TWB stretch bending parts is affected significantly by process parameters. Ac-cording to the structural shape of the researched TWB part, its profile of outer line, inner line, the reinforced surface, etc. are the important items to evaluate the precision of outline of the part. The effect of parameters, such as rotation angle α1~ α4 of collet on different stage of stretch bending and extension force F supplied by the collet along the axial direction of blank, on the precision of profile, such as the profile of outline, inner line, the reinforced surface, the inner and outer sur-face, was investigated by orthogonal experimental. The influencing sequence of the process parameters on the forming qual-ity was obtained. The result shows that the influence sequence of the profile of outer line and the reinforced surface is that:extension force F, the rotation angle α4 , the rotation angle α3 , the rotation angle α2 , the rotation angle α1; the influence of the process parameters on the profile of inner line are all small, so the profile of inner line is almost unaffected; the in-fluence sequence of the profile of inner and outer surface is that: the rotation angle α3 , the rotation angle α4 , the rotation angle α2 , the rotation angle α1 , the extension force F.
Journal of Netshape Forming Engineering
TWB structural part
stretch bending forming
precision of outline
orthogonal experimental