
乳腺癌内分泌治疗的药学监护 被引量:1

Pharmaceutical care of breast cancer patients with endocrinotherapy
摘要 目的:探讨临床药师在乳腺癌内分泌治疗中进行药学服务的切入点。方法:通过分析临床药师参与乳腺癌病人内分泌治疗的3个典型病例,结合内分泌治疗特点,对进行内分泌治疗病人的药学监护提出建议。结果:临床药师在内分泌治疗过程中,从正确判断绝经状态、提高内分泌治疗依从性和持续性、关注药物相互作用三方面入手,及时发现并解决药物治疗相关问题,保证治疗有效和持续进行。结论:正确判断绝经状态、提高治疗依从性和持续性、关注药物相互作用,是临床药师在乳腺癌内分泌治疗中进行药学服务的主要切入点。 Objective: To explore the approach of pharmaceutical care by clinical pharmacists in endocrinotherapy of pa tients with breast cancer. Methods: Recommendations were made in the pharmaceutical care of patients with endocrinotherapy, through analyses of 3 typical breast cancer cases with clinical pharmacists involved in endocrinotherapy, and the features of endocrinotherapy as well. Results: In the process of endocrinotherapy, related problems concerning medication were identified and solved in a timely manner, through correct judgment on menopausal status, enhanced endocrine treatment compliance and per sistence, as well as drug interactions. As a consequence, persistent and effective treatment results were achieved. Conclusion: Correct judgment on menopausal status, enhanced endocrine treatment compliance and persistence, and attention to drug inter actions are main approaches to pharmaceutical care by clinical pharmacists in endocrinotherapy of breast cancer.
作者 胡兰 姚莉
出处 《药学服务与研究》 CAS CSCD 2014年第6期425-427,共3页 Pharmaceutical Care and Research
关键词 乳腺癌 药物疗法 内分泌 药学服务 breast cancer drug therapy,endocrine pharmaceutical care
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