目的探讨先天性视网膜劈裂症的临床特点。方法对先天性视网膜劈裂患者11例22眼均行视力、裂隙灯显微镜、眼底、眼底彩色照相、OCT检查,出现并发症者给予对症治疗,随诊2-7年。结果 22眼均发生黄斑中心凹劈裂,8眼合并周边视网膜劈裂,6眼发生视网膜劈裂内层裂孔,2眼合并视网膜脱离,1眼合并玻璃体出血。结论先天性视网膜劈裂症主要病变是黄斑中心凹劈裂,病情相对稳定,亦可出现玻璃体出血、视网膜脱离等并发症,对症处理可降低视力损害,OCT有利于观察视网膜劈裂,具有重要的临床价值。
Objective To investigate the clinical features of congenital retinoschisis.Methods The 22 eyes in 11 cases of congenital retinoschisis received vision examination,slit lamp microscopy,ocular fundus examination,retinal color photography and OCT.Complications were given symptomatic treatment.These patients were followed up for 2-7 years.Results All the 22 eyes showed foveal split,including 8 eyes complicated with peripheral retinoschisis,6 eyes with retinoschisis inner hole,2 eyes with retinal detachment and 1eyes with vitreous hemorrhage.Conclusion The main lesion of Congenital retinoschisis is foveal split.The condition is relatively stable.Such complications as vitreous hemorrhage and retinal detachment may occur,and symptomatic treatment may reduce the visual impairment.OCT is useful for the observation of congenital retinoschisis and is valuable in clinical treatment.
Journal of Shandong Medical College