直流输电工程在系统研究和集成设计时需要分析直流回路的谐振特性。为此,提出了一种使用单位冲击电压源的高压直流输电直流回路谐振计算分析方法,建立的直流回路阻抗等效模型综合考虑了交流系统、换流器、平波电抗器、直流滤波器(DCF)、输电线路等关键因素,形成一套的基于PSCAD/EMTDC的高压直流回路谐振分析流程,利用此流程对溪洛渡右岸送电广东±500 k V同塔双回直流输电工程进行直流回路谐振分析,结果表明:溪洛渡直流输电系统不存在危及系统安全运行的谐振风险。
The resonant characteristics of DC loop are needed to analyze in systematic study and package design of HVDC projects. This paper proposes a method of calculating and analyzing the DC loop resonance, which uses unit impulse voltage source. A DC loop impedance model is built, which considers AC system, converters, smoothing reactor, DC filters, electric transmission line and other key elements. A DC loop resonance analysis system based on PSCAD/EMTDC is formed, and on the basis of this system, the reso- nant characteristics of the DC loop of the Xiluodu Right Station Guangdong double Line 500 kV DC Transmission Project are ana- lyzed, and simulation results show that there is no risk of resonance in this HVDC system.
Southern Power System Technology