
基于自我差异理论的在线科研社区知识共享模型构建研究 被引量:6

Construction of Knowledge Sharing Concept Model in Online Research Community Based on Self-Discrepancy Theory
摘要 从自我概念出发,基于自我差异理论,探讨在线科研社区成员的虚拟与现实自我之间的差异程度对其心理状态和知识共享行为的影响,构建"自我差异感知隐私权知识共享"概念模型。以275名在线科研社区成员为样本,通过结构方程模型,对概念模型中3个维度之间的关系进行实证检验。修正后的模型显示,科研人员的个人和社会自我差异、自主性、情绪恢复和情感宣泄感知对其在社区中的知识共享质量和数量起到关键性作用,在此基础上提出几点促进在线科研社区知识共享建议。 Drawing on the self-concept,this paper explores the influence of self-discrepancy between one's virtual and real self on psychological states and knowledge sharing behavior in online research community based on Self-Discrep- ancy Theory, and develops a "self-discrepancy-perceived privacy rights-knowledge sharing" concept model. Using structur- al equation model, an empirical analysis on 275 members in online research communities is carried out to test and verify this model. The refined concept model shows that personal and social self-discrepancy, autonomy, emotion recovery and e- motional catharsis have significant influences on quality and quantity of knowledge sharing. Finally, this paper gives some suggestions to stimulate people's knowledge sharing in online research community.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第24期91-98,共8页 Library and Information Service
基金 上海市研究生创新基金项目"关系型UGC平台中用户生成内容行为动因实证研究"(项目编号:JWCXSL1301) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"数字出版内容社会化生产模式及管理机制研究"(项目编号:14YJA860001)研究成果之一
关键词 自我差异 感知隐私权 知识共享 在线科研社区 模型构建 self-discrepancy perceived privacy rights knowledge sharing online research community model construction
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