为研究楔形锁紧装置对振动载荷的传递作用,构建了用于研究其振动传递作用的实验装置,通过实验获取了该装置在X、Y和Z 3个方向上的随机振动响应数据,并引入2个量化指标对所得实验数据进行了比较和分析。结果表明,在不同方向上楔形锁紧装置表现出不同的振动传递作用,主要结论有:楔形锁紧装置在不同实验方向上具有不同的振动传递作用,在X方向上有衰减作用,在Y方向上几乎等值传递,在Z方向上具有放大作用;楔形锁紧装置的拧紧力矩大小仅对高频段的传递曲线产生影响,不同方向上所影响的频段范围稍有不同;在自由拧紧状态下楔形锁紧装置的振动传递作用与采用0.010 N·m的力矩拧紧时最为接近。
To study the load transmitting effect of the wedge clamps, a test system is constructed. The re- sponse PSD data on the X, Y and Z axis are acquired with the dynamic signal analyzer in tests. Subsequently, the data are analyzed by calculating and comparing the values of two quantified factors defined in this paper. The result shows that the transmitting effects are different on different axis. The main conclusions are as fol- lows. There are different load transmitting effects in different directions for the same wedge clamps: in X direc- tion, the energy is decreased ; in Y direction, the energy is almost unchanged and in Z direction, the energy is increased. Only the high frequency part of the transmitting curves is changed when the value of tightening torque is changed, while the related frequency ranges are different on different axes. The load transmitting effect of wedge clamps tightened freely with hands is the most similar to the one tightened with a torque of 0. 010 N · m.
Electro-Mechanical Engineering