目的了解天津市城市居民对酒精滥用或依赖的认识情况。方法采用整群随机抽取720名城市社区居民,使用北京回龙观医院流行病学教研室编制的《公众自杀态度问卷》,调查居民对酒精滥用或依赖的认识。结果 520名居民完成了有效调查。其中75.9%听说过酒精滥用或依赖,43.7%认为该类患者是精神障碍,43.5%认为他们会自杀。不同性别、年龄、受教育年限在"是否听说过酒精滥用或依赖"及"对该类患者自杀的态度"等比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论城市居民对酒精滥用或依赖患者自杀危险认识不足,尚未充分认识到它是一种可以治疗的精神疾病。
Objective To investigate the public understanding towards the Alcohol abuse and dependence (AAD) in ur- ban community, Tianjin. Methods The study employed a questionnaire survey. A clustered random sample of households was drawn (n=720), a target person in each household was randomly selected. Result there were 520 respondents comple- ting questionnaire survey. 75.9% of the respondents had heard the AAD, 43. 7% considered that the AAD was one of the psychiatric disorders, 43.5% believed the person with AAD would commit suicide. There were differences between sexes, different age groups and different education groups (P〈0. 05). Conclusion Urban residents had not recognized adequately that AAD was one of the psychiatric disorders and that AAI) was one of the major suicidal risk factors.
Journal of Clinical Nursing
alcohol abuse
alcohol dependence