
巢湖湿地生态系统能值分析 被引量:1

Energy Analysis of Chaohu Lake Wetland Ecosystem
摘要 基于生态系统能值理论与方法,分析巢湖湿地生态系统能值投入和产出构成特征,并对巢湖湿地生态系统可持续发展水平进行了评价。研究表明:巢湖湿地生态系统每年投入的总能值为3590.12×1018sej,自然资源、周围营养物和社会经济投入分别占39.3%、53.7%和7.0%,可更新资源和不可更新资源投入分别占25.6%和74.4%。巢湖湿地生态系统每年产出的总能值为3469.66×1018sej,其中鱼类产出比重最大,其次为水禽和底栖动物。巢湖湿地生物多样性保护的能量-货币价值是巢湖湿地生态系统年产出的1.76倍,在生物多样性保护方面有着巨大的作用。巢湖湿地生态系统的能值产出率、环境负载率、能值可持续指标(ESI)和可持续发展能值指标(EISD)分别为13.75、2.90、4.74和7.01,去除污染项重新计算,分别为13.75、0.81、17.07和25.27,这些指标表明巢湖湿地生态系统的产业较为单一,能值产出率、可持续性和未来竞争力较高,但不可更新的污染物投入过大,造成巢湖湿地生态系统的环境负载率升高,可持续性发展水平下降,严重制约巢湖湿地生态系统的可持续发展水平。 Based on the theory and method of energy analysis, characteristics of energy input and output in Chaohu lake wetland ecosystem were analyzed in order to know the sustainable development level of Chaohu lake wetland ecosystem. Result showed that:the gross energy input of Chaohu lake wetland ecosystem was 3590.12×1018 sej per year. Inputs of natural resources, nutrients in surrounding areas and social economy accounted for 39.3%, 53.7%and 7.0%of the gross energy input respectively, renewable resources and non-renewable resources accounted for 25.6% and 74.4% of the gross energy input respectively. The annual gross energy output of Chaohu lake wetland ecosystem was 3469.66×1018sej, and the output of fish was the largest, followed by waterfowl and benthonic animals. The monetary value of biodiversity conservation was about 1.76 times of the annual output of Chaohu lake wetland ecosystem. The wetland ecosystem is playing a giant role in biodiversity conservation. The energy output rate, environment loading rate, energy sustainable indicators (ESI) and energy indicators of sustainable development (EISD) of Chaohu lake wetland ecosystem were 13.75, 2.90, 4.74 and 7.01 respectively, and 13.75, 0.81, 17.07and 25.27 respectively if removing pollution items (untreated industrial and human wastewater, nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer). These values showed that the energy output of Chaohu lake wetland ecosystem from the non-renewable pollution was so large that environment loading rate increased and sustainable development level declined, severely restricting sustainable development level of Chaohu lake wetland ecosystem.
出处 《湿地科学与管理》 2014年第4期51-56,共6页 Wetland Science & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41001369 41301249) 安徽省自然科学基金项目(1308085MD22) 科技部十二五重大水专项(2012ZX0713-005)资助
关键词 湿地生态系统 能值分析 可持续发展 巢湖 Wetland ecosystem Energy analysis Sustainable development Chaohu Lake
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