以安徽地方品种圩猪、安庆六白猪以及国外瘦肉型品种长白猪为研究对象,采用高效液相色谱法测定3种猪背最长肌肌苷酸(IMP)含量。利用家畜或家禽中已鉴定的影响肉质性状的QTLs信息与猪的基因组比对,得到可能与猪肉质相关的目的基因:ADSL与GARS-AIRS-GART基因。定量PCR法比较影响肌苷酸含量的ADSL与GARS-AIRS-GART基因mRNA在肝脏、心脏和背最长肌组织中的表达水平,并研究2种基因在不同猪种中的表达量与IMP含量的相关性。结果表明:长白猪的背最长肌肌苷酸含量高于圩猪和六白猪。ADSL mRNA在3种猪的表达模式均表现为背最长肌中最高,心脏次之,肝脏最低的趋势。而GARS-AIRS-GART mRNA的表达模式为背最长肌最高,肝脏次之,心脏最低的趋势。ADSL mRNA在长白猪肝脏的表达量,GARS-AIRS-GART mRNA在圩猪肝脏和六白猪心脏的表达量均与IMP含量显著负相关。
In this study, the Anhui local breeds Wei pig, Anqing Liubai pig and foreign lean-type pig Landraces were selected. The inosine monophosphate (IMP) content in long issimus dorsi muscle of three breeds of pigs were detected by HPLC. the influence of meat quality traits of QTLs in the livestock or poultry were identified. ADSL and GARS-AIRS-GART were associated with pork quality and identified in the pig genome. The ADSL and GARS-AIRS- GART gene expression levels in liver, heart and long issimus dorsi muscle which can influence the IMP content were examined by RealTime -PCR. A correlation analysis was made on the expression levels of two genes in different breeds and IMP content. The result indicated that the IMP content in long issimus dorsi muscle of Landraces is higher than that of Wei pig and Liubai pig . The ADSL gene expression level in long issimus dorsi muscle is the highest, followed by the heart, and the liver is the lowest. However, GARS-AIRS-GART gene expression level in long issimus dorsi muscle is the highest, followed by the liver, the heart is the lowest. There is a negative correlation between IMP con- tent and ADSL gene expression in liver of Landraces and GARS-AIRS-GART gene expression level in liver of Wei pig and heart of Liubai pig.
Food and Fermentation Industries