
关节轴承二次挤压过程的数值模拟及工艺改进 被引量:2

Numerical simulation and process improvement of re-extrusion process for the joint bearing
摘要 针对大型关节轴承实际挤压成形后出现内外圈间隙分布不均匀的缺陷,采用Abaqus软件对GEG60大型关节轴承的二次挤压成形过程进行数值模拟,分析了轴承外圈回弹量分布情况及其成形机理。根据初始设计方案的不足,提出减小模具收口半径及模具半径和在轴承外圈的腰部及两端增加突起两种改进方案。研究结果表明,两种改进方案使外圈的回弹量更加均匀,不仅有效地改善了初始模具设计中内外圈间隙分布不均的问题,而且明显地提高了轴承内外圈金属流动速度分布的均匀性和内外圈之间的接触应力的均匀性。 For the non-uniform clearance between the outer ring and the inner ring of large joint bearings after extrusion process, the reextrusion and assembly process of GEG60 bearing was simulated by Abaqus software, and the distribution of springback and deformation mechanism of the outer ring were investigated. According to the shortage of initial design scheme, two improvement schemes ( Reduce convergent radius and die radius and increase protuberance at the waist and both ends of the outer ring) were proposed to solve the problem. The results show that the distribution of the springback of the outer ring is more uniform by implementing the improved plans. Not only the non-uniform of clearance between the outer and the inner rings for initial die design is improved, but also the uniformity of metal flow velocity distribution and contact stress of the inner and the outer rings for bearings are improved considerably.
出处 《锻压技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期61-65,共5页 Forging & Stamping Technology
基金 福建省科技重大专项:高端自润滑关节轴承研发及产业化(2012HZ0006-3)
关键词 数值模拟 关节轴承 二次挤压 内外圈间隙 FEM simulation spherical plain bearings re-extrusion clearance between the outer ring and the inner ring
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