目的探讨江阴市食源性急性胃肠炎的发病规律、特点和经济与社会负担,为制定预防和控制措施提供依据。方法在全市共设立100个监测点,每月进行一次入户调查,调查资料建立数据库,并按时间、场所、致病因素、发病、就诊、住院情况及社会经济负担进行分析。结果江阴市食源性急性胃肠炎发病率为0.36次/人年,患者达57.60万人次;就诊率为58.33%;好发地点为自己家中,占36.11%;引起的原因食品以水产品为最高,占22.22%;发病率城市高于农村(χ^2=19.38,P〈0.05),性别间差异无统计学意义(χ^2=2.26,P〉0.05),5~9岁组发病率高;临床症状以腹泻、腹痛为主;高发的时间为10月;全市经济负担达10 013.18万元,造成旷工(课)8.06万天。结论江阴市食源性急性胃肠炎发病率、就诊率、住院率均高于我国其他地区和其他发达国家,发病、社会、经济负担依然较重,应不断建立健全食源性疾病监测机制,加强疾病负担研究。
Objective Discuss the occurrence regularity,characteristics,economic and social burden of food-borne disease of acute gastrointestinal illness in Jiangyin city,to provide evidence for prevention and control measures. Methods Established 100 monitoring stations totally in the city,conducted household survey monthly,survey database is established,and analyzed according to time,place,pathogenic factors and situation of pathogenesis,medical,hospital with economic and social burden. Results Food- borne incidence of acute gastrointestinal illness is 0. 36 times / person years in Jiangyin city,reached to 576000 patients; outpatient rate was 58. 33%; Prone to the place of their own home,accounted for 36. 11%; Food with aquatic products was the highest of the causes,accounted for 22. 22%; The incidence rate of city was higher than rural areas( χ^2= 19. 38,P〈0. 05),there is no statistically significant differences between the gender( χ^2=2. 26,P〉0. 05),5- 9 years old group with high incidence rate,clinical symptom is given priority to with diarrhea and abdominal pain; High- risk time was October; The economic burden was 100. 1318 million Yuan for the city,caused absenteeism from work( class) 80600 days. Conclusions Food- borne incidence of acute gastrointestinal morbidity,outpatient rate,admission rates were all higher than other areas in China and other developed countries,morbidity,social and economic burden is still heavy,should establish and perfect the food- borne disease monitoring mechanism continuously,strengthen the study of disease burden.
Journal of Medical Pest Control
Food borne disease
Acute gastrointestinal illness
Disease burden.