
基于粒子系统的卫星云图三维仿真与简化算法 被引量:5

3D Simulation and Predigestion Algorithms for Clouds Images Based on Particle System
摘要 提出了一种基于粒子系统的卫星云图的快速云三维仿真算法,该方法从卫星云图中提取真实云的二维轮廓,使用不同级别的圆形进行云轮廓曲线的拟合,将所获得的圆形以相同半径和圆心扩展到三维空间的球形,根据粒子系统的原理在生成的云三维轮廓中随机地产生粒子,并为这些粒子赋予颜色、大小和速度等初始属性,对云粒子进行渲染和绘制实现云的三维模拟。为提高绘制的帧速率,提出了粒子系统的简化算法。通过实验证明了该方法能够快速地仿真出卫星云图中各种形状的三维云,实现云的快速动态模拟。 A fast 3D simulation algorithm was proposed for cloud images based on particle system. This method extracted cloud's 2D contour from satellites, and used different levels of circles to fit the 2D contour curve, All the obtained circles were extended to 3D spheres with the same radius and centers, and cloud particles were generated in the above 3D cloud's contour randomly. And cloud particles were rendered and drawn to realize 3D simulation of clouds. Predigestion algorithm was given by particle system to make frame drawing ratio higher. It is proved that the proposed method could produce shapes of 3D cloud images quickly and really by several experiments, as well as implement the dynamic simulation of clouds.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期2630-2635,共6页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 国家自然基金(41071253) 江苏省"六大人才高峰"高层次人才培养对象资助项目(20080249)
关键词 卫星云图 粒子系统 云建模 三维可视化 satellites particle system cloud modeling 3D visualization
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