
酱卤鸡肉真空冷却的可行性评估研究 被引量:6

Study on feasibility assessment of vacuum cooling technology in sauced chicken
摘要 研究了真空冷却、浸液真空冷却、自然冷却和鼓风冷却,得到冷却方式对冷却速率、冷却损失、品质变化及后期贮藏阶段微生物的影响,进一步对真空冷却和浸液真空冷却可行性评估。普通真空冷却质量损失过多,对产品产生一些负面影响。实验尝试对样品进行浸液真空冷却,避免了水分的大量损失,其冷却时间明显小于自然冷却和鼓风冷却(p<0.05)。对品质的影响:不同冷却方式之间,剪切力、TPA、色度值均存在差异。真空冷却样品的剪切力、硬度、咀嚼性要明显大于其他冷却(p<0.05),弹性较差,真空冷却形成的多孔结构对后期储藏阶段脂肪氧化有促进作用。真空冷却的样品微生物数量显著低于自然冷却和鼓风冷却,对产品的保藏有利。综合评估,浸液真空冷却要优于其他冷却方式。 Vacuum cooling ( VC ), immersion vacuum cooling ( IVC), natural cooling ( NC ) and air blast cooling (AB) were studied in this article. The effects of cooling methods on cooling rate, cooling loss, quality changed and microorganisms during storage were determined. The feasibility assessment of VC and IVC was studied. Ordinary VC had negative effects on the product and cooling loss too much. The experiment tried to process sample by IVC, which was beneficial to avoid mass loss. And the cooling time was less than NC and AB significantly ( p 〈 0.05 ). The effects of different cooling methods on shear force, TPA, color were significant differences ( p 〈 0.05 ). The shear force, hardness, chewiness of VC sample were significant higher (p 〈 0.05 ) than others and it had weaker springiness. Porous structure formed by VC would promote fat oxidation. VC sample was good for storage whose microbial quantity was significantly less ( p 〈 0.05 ) than NC and AB. After comprehensive comparison, we could know that IVC method was much better than any other cooling methods.
出处 《肉类工业》 2014年第12期21-26,共6页 Meat Industry
关键词 酱卤鸡肉 真空冷却 品质影响 微生物 sauced chicken vacuum cooling quality changed microorganism
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