
超声红外热像技术仿真模拟的电-力类比激励方法 被引量:3

The Electric-Mechanic Analogous Excitation Method for the Analog Simulation of Ultrasonic Infrared Imaging Technique
摘要 针对超声换能器与含裂纹平板试件的有限元建模过程中,使用位移激励代替超声换能器时,模型中因缺少接触碰撞过程而造成较大误差的问题,采用电-力类比的激励方法,建立了超声换能器与含裂纹平板的系统有限元模型,同时对比位移激励下含裂纹平板模型,系统深入地分析了不同激励下裂纹生热和平板振动的特性。仿真与试验结果不仅表明了换能器与含裂纹平板模型更加接近真实模型,而且验证了电-力类比激励方法的有效性和可行性。超声激励方式的探索将有助于建立更加接近实际的有限元模型,为裂纹生热机理分析提供理论支撑。 While using displacement excitation instead of the ultrasonic transducer to model ultrasonic transducer and a plate with cracks,a big mistake might be made because of the lacking of contacting and colliding.The electricmechanic analogous excitation method was therefore adopted by setting the finite elements model between the transducer and plate with crack,and contrasting the model of the plate with cracks under displacement excitation.The characteristics of crack induced heating and the plate vibration under different ultrasonic excitations were analyzed in detail.The results of simulation and experiment not only indicate that the model of transducer and a plate with cracks is much closer to the real model,but also prove that the electric-mechanic analogous excitation method is efficacious and feasible.The research of ultrasonic excitation patterns will help readers to preferably establish finite elements model which is closer to the real one,and provide the theory support for the mechanism research of crack heating.
出处 《无损检测》 2014年第7期1-5,共5页 Nondestructive Testing
基金 基于超声红外热波技术的装备典型结构件裂纹检测研究资助项目(9140A27020312JB3501)
关键词 电-力类比 压电陶瓷 超声红外热像 裂纹生热 仿真模拟 Electric-Mechanic analogous Piezoelectric ceramic Sonic infrared imaging Crack heating Analog Simulation
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