通过对多年观测资料的分析 ,认为山西大同中心地震台水准测量数据准确地反映了地壳的垂直形变 ,并说明断层活动是造成数据变化的主要原因。得出了测线跨越的断层垂直位移为2 .5 mm/ a,测量场地地面总体向东南方向倾斜的结论。认为测量数据较好地反映了台站周围的地震活动。
Based on analysis of observed data for many years, it is concluded that leveling data of Datong Seismological Observatory of Shanxi accurately indicates the vertical deformation of the crust and main factor for the data variation is fault activity. The vertical displacement observed crossover fault is 2.5mm/a. The whole surface of the observation site slopes towards southwest.. It also shows that data variation is well related to the seismic activity around the observatory.
Earthquake Research in Shanxi