
柔索驱动并联加工机构的力学建模与分析 被引量:1

Mechanical Modelling and Analysis of Cable Driven Parallel Mechanism for Processing
摘要 针对柔索驱动并联加工机构,着重分析了该系统的固有频率及动力学响应特性。构建了系统瞬态时在切削力作用下的振动模型,解算出系统的固有频率;研究了系统的切削力模型和该力作用下的系统响应问题,基于龙格库塔法对系统的受迫振动模型进行数值求解.最后通过数值算例验证了该算法的可行性,并通过快速傅里叶变换(fast fourier transformation,FFT)将时域响应转变为频域解,分析了动平台质量和重心位置参数对系统稳定性的影响。 The natural frequency and dynamic response characteristics under external excitation of the Cable Drive Parallel Mechanism( CDPM) for Processing are studied. At first,the vibration model of the CDPM system on the stable position and the orientation based on nonlinear cutting force model is built and the natural frequencies are obtained. Then the cutting-force model is introduced and the equations of the forced vibration are presented. The Runge-Kutta method is used to solve the forced vibration equations. Finally,the feasibility of the algorithm is verified by numerical simulations. The frequency domian solution is obtained from the time domian response by Fast Fourier Transformation( FFT). The effects of the centrobaric offset and the mass of the moving platform on the stability of the system are analyzed.
出处 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第12期1803-1806,共4页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51105303) 中国博士后科学基金项目(20110491673)资助
关键词 柔索驱动并联机构 非线性切削力模型 模态分析 固有频率 algorithms cable driven parallel mechanism computer simulation convergence of numerical methods dynamic response fast Fourier transtorms frequency domain analysis mathematical models matrix algebra mechanisms membership functions modal analysis natural frequencies nonlinear model of cutting force Runge Kutta methods stiffness time domain analysis vectors vibrations(mechanical)
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