对南极长城站和中山站两地的贼鸥种群进行包括营巢行为、觅食习性、种群变化、繁殖生态 ,以及贼鸥栖息地的地理和生态环境等的比较研究 ,结果表明两地贼鸥种群存在明显的生态学差异。这种差异不仅反映了贼鸥的生态习性与栖息地自然环境和生态结构的密切相关性 ,更体现了该种海鸟对南极不同生存环境极强的适应能力。人类活动以及贼鸥对人类废弃食物的依赖 ,在一定程度上改变动物食物结构 ,并对贼鸥生态习性乃至种群数量变化均产生一定影响。两地贼鸥种群通过改变觅食对策和调整产卵、孵化时间和延长育雏期等 ,达到对不同地理纬度和气候条件的适应 。
The skua's nesting, feeding behavior, population variances and breeding success as well as their habitat natural conditions in the areas near Great Wall Station and Zhongshan Station in Antarctica were compared. The results show that there are evident differences in their population ecology. The habit in foraging is much related to regional ecosystem and food resources near their breeding grounds. Dependence on human food remains does influence skua's diet,which affects considerably ecological behavior as well as population variation of both species in both areas. The population in higher latitude, such as Zhongshan Station, could shorten and/or regulate the timing for their egg lying and hatching, and take precedence of one chick brooding, so that it could keep their breeding success for species continuation.
Chinese Journal of Polar Research
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (批准号 :40 0 760 3 3 )
中德合作项目 (CHN 0 0 /0 3 )