
提取式学习最新研究进展及其对有意义学习的影响——来自《科学》的文献 被引量:10

The Newest Advance of Retrieval-Based Learning and Its Implications for Meaningful Learning——From Literature of Science
摘要 一直以来,心理学界和教育学界暗含着一条基本假设:学习主要发生在对知识和经验进行编码的阶段;提取只能测量先前学习经验的产出,但本身并不能产生学习。然而,美国普渡大学Karpicke博士自2008年以来,在世界顶级杂志《科学》上相继发表的有关记忆提取的数篇文章揭示,提取并非是学习过程中的一个中性事件,而是会对学习产生重要影响的相关事件,每一次提取动作都会改变记忆和重构知识。提取式学习的基本观点是:提取是理解学习和促进学习的关键过程,提取练习能产生有意义的学习,知识提取是由线索驱动的目标搜索过程。Karpicke等人关于提取练习和基于概念图的精制化学习对有意义学习影响的对比实验显示,与基于概念图的精加工相比,提取式学习能够产生更持久的记忆保持和更好的学习迁移。这一研究结果引发了与Novak团队Mintzes教授的学术争论,撼动了数年来概念图式的精加工策略在当代教育中的中心地位,引发了学界对提取式学习的极大兴趣。在线教育由于具有时空分离、师生互动较少、反馈和干预滞后等先天不足,尤其需要注重引导学习者练习和运用提取策略;设计多元化的提取式学习活动;通过境脉更新,促进知识重构和知识迁移;实现精制学习与提取式学习的有机统一。 For a long time, a basic hypothesis in psychological and educational fields was that learning mainly occurs during the processes which involve encoding knowledge and experience, and retrieval can only measure the outcomes of prior learning but itself does not produce learning. Since 2008, however, a series of papers published in the world's top magazine Science by Dr. Karpicke in Purdue University has illustrated that retrieval is not a neutral but an highly influential event for learning, and the knowledge is reconstructed and memory is changed every time a person retrieves knowledge. Some fundamental viewpoints of retrieval learning are that retrieval is the key process for understanding and promoting learning; retrieval practice can produce meaningful learning; and knowledge retrieval is a cue-driven process to search for a target. An experiment conducted by Karpicke et al shows that practicing retrieval learning produces greater gains in meaningful learning than elaborative studying with concept mapping. This finding triggers an academic debate with Prof. Mintzes, shakes the central position of elaborative studying with concept mapping in contemporary education, and sparks interest in retrieval-based learning. On account of such defects as the separation of time and space, the less interaction between teachers and students, and lags for feedback and intervention etc, online education especially emphasizes: 1) to guide learner to practice and use the retrieval strategy; 2) to design multiple retrieval-based learning activities; 3) to promote knowledge reconstruction and transfer by context updating; 4) to integrate elaborative learning with retrieval-based learning.
作者 贺斌
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 CSSCI 2015年第1期12-21,共10页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 江苏省高校"青蓝工程"优秀青年骨干教师培养及南通市"226高层次人才培养工程" 江苏省现代教育技术研究2014年度课题"高师课程深层次整合与学生信息素养培养的研究"(2014-R-30586)
关键词 提取式学习 有意义学习 基本观点 理论假说 开创性实验 关键效应 Retrieval-Based Learning Meaningful Learning Fundamental Viewpoint Theoretical Hypothesis Creative Experiment Key Effect
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