
MOOC视频制作平民化方法的探索与评价 被引量:39

A Streamlined Approach to MOOC Video Production:Implementation and Evaluation
摘要 对于MOOC平台提供的课程而言,视频既是学习者学习的核心内容,也是教师传授知识的核心环节,而且优质的教学视频能够产生更好的学习效果,这就对MOOC视频的制作提出了更高的要求。当前MOOC视频的制作方式主要有演播室录制式、录屏式、课堂实录式和可汗学院式等类型。由于不同学科适宜采取的视频形式不同,以及教师对视频形式的偏好各异,因此在选择最佳视频制作方案时应综合考虑各种因素。北京大学作为我国MOOC实践的先行者,在实践过程中摸索出一种平民化的MOOC视频制作方法,重点从配置环境个人化和制作流程简单化两个方面进行了设计和实践。以"人群与网络"课程视频的制作为例,探索了一种异步录屏的视频制作方法,这种视频制作方法有利于缓解教师面对镜头的心理压力,提高教师镜头的可用率和后期编辑合成的效果;在时间成本方面更有利于节约制作时间,提高工作效率。 For most courses hosted on MOOC platforms, video constitutes the core learning materials for learners and the essential link in the instructional process for instructors. It is known that well-produced instructional videos can yield better learning outcomes, which demands a higher standard for MOOC video productions. Currently, the approaches to the production of most MOOC videos are studio recording, screen recording, classroom recording and Khan-Academy style screencasting. Due to the differences in subjects and instructors" preferences, it is suggested that the instructor should consider various aspects before choosing the optimal approach. At Peking University, one of the first universities in China to introduce MOOCs, we have developed a streamlined approach to MOOC video production, which consists of the configuration of a personalized setup and the implementation of a simplified workflow. In the video production of "Crowds and Networks" course, we explored an approach to producing what we call "asynchronous screen recordings". This new production method can help alleviating the psychological pressure when the instructor faces the camera, making the instructor's appearance more natural and improving post production quality. It may also improve efficiency by cutting the time spent in the production.
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 CSSCI 2015年第1期106-112,共7页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"MOOC数据模型及其对课程与学习评价的效用研究"(61472013)
关键词 MOOC 视频制作 同步录屏 异步录屏 平民化方法 效率评价 MOOC Video Production Synchronous Screen Recording Asynchronized Screen Recording Streamlined Approach Efficiency Evaluation
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