采用IAT范式探讨不同情绪对内隐刻板印象表达的调节作用:实验1通过音乐唤醒被试的不同弥散性情绪状态(悲伤vs.愉悦),并操纵其即时观念(刻板一致vs.刻板冲突),探讨二者对内隐性别刻板印象表达的影响。实验2通过视频诱发被试不同的指向性情绪(同情vs.厌恶),研究其如何调节大学生对不同感染途径的艾滋病患者和病毒携带者的内隐刻板印象表达。在此基础上引入四重模型(Quad Model)分析技术,进一步细化情绪的调节作用究竟发生在认知加工的自动加工过程还是控制加工过程,以及不同情绪是通过哪些心理成分调节内隐刻板印象的表达。结果表明:(1)当即时观念与刻板印象内容一致时,积极弥散性情绪促进内隐刻板印象的表达;反之则会抑制其表达;(2)弥散性情绪通过调节认知加工的自动化加工过程,进而调节内隐刻板印象的表达,但未参与调节控制性加工过程;(3)积极效价的指向性情绪会抑制被试对艾滋病患者的内隐刻板印象表达,消极效价的指向性情绪会促进其表达;(4)指向性情绪通过自动激活成分,调节内隐刻板印象表达的自动化加工过程;同时也通过辨识力成分,参与调节内隐刻板印象表达的控制性加工过程。
Emotion for a long time has been thought as the main reason causing the cognitive obstinacy of the stereotype and the stereotype expression. However, researches discussing directly how emotion regulates expression of implicitly measured stereotypes are few. Relevant researches so far only discussed the effect of diffuse moods and there were differences and disputes in specific experimental results and theoretical explanation. In the light of the deficiency of the previous researches this study improves the relevant theory of emotional regulation of implicitly measured stereotypes expression through two series of experiments based on the clarification of the definition and classification of the emotion. Experiment 1 employs music to awake different diffuse moods (sadness vs. cheer) of the participants and operates their real-time thoughts (stereotype consistent vs. stereotype inconsistent) thus to investigate their influence on implicitly measured stereotypes expression. Experiment 2 employs video to evoke participants' different directional emotions (sympathy vs. dislike), investigating how these regulate college students' implicitly measured stereotypes expression of AIDS patients and HIV carriers of different routes of infection. Series research leads in Quad Model analysis based on IAT paradigm to find out whether the effect of emotional regulation of implicitly measured stereotypes expression happens in automatic processes or controlled processes of cognitive process, and through which psychological elements (AC, OB, D, G) the different emotions regulate implicitly measured stereotypes expression. The results show: (1) When real-time thoughts and stereotype are consistent, positive diffuse moods promote implicitly measured stereotypes expression; Conversely, positive diffuse moods inhibit implicitly measured stereotypes expression; (2) Diffuse moods regulate implicitly measured stereotypes expression by adjusting the automatic processes (AC) of the cognitive process, but not involved in the regulation of controlled processes presented by D parameters; (3) Directional emotion valence and the route of inflection influence college students' implicitly measured stereotypes expression: directional emotions with positive valence inhibit participants' implicitly measured stereotypes expression of AIDS patients, while that with negative valence promote participants' implicitly measured stereotypes expression of AIDS patients. (4) Directional emotions regulate the automatic processes of implicitly measured stereotypes expression, that is, the regulation of implicitly measured stereotypes expression through automatic activation (AC) elements. It also involved in the regulation of controlled processes of implicitly measured stereotypes expression, that is, the regulation of implicitly measured stereotypes expression through detection (D) elements.
Acta Psychologica Sinica
diffuse mood
directional emotion
implicitly measured stereotypes
Quad Model