

Distinguishing the Gazetteer of Wanping County Seated in the Prefecture Site of Shuntian in the Ming and Qing Dynasties:a Deliberation With Professor XI Zhi-qun
摘要 永乐元年改北平府为顺天府后,标志着顺天府志暨附郭宛平与大兴县志的官修制度开始确立,清承明制,继承和弘扬了这种官修理念和文化传统,明清顺天府官修方志构成了一个特殊系列,修纂了众多府州县等方志,既保存了丰富的地域文化资料,又为中国方志史研究提供了科学依据。针对当下顺天府《宛署杂记》与《宛平县志》比较研究中存在的几个模糊认识和不准确提法,认为顺天府暨附郭宛平县志的官修制度确立于永乐时期,《宛平县志》是清代官修附郭县志成稿最早的一部,其"人物"和"艺文"记载颇有文献参考价值,但总体来说,该志还不算是一部中规中矩的上乘佳作,因此,对其在"政治、经济、文化、社会生活等多方面的价值"进行评价时,不能以其长遮其短,过分夸大其重要性,要作实事求是的客观分析,这样才有益于北京方志史的研讨。 As the prefecture was renamed from Beiping to Shuntian in 1403, the first year of Yongle, it started an official system of gazetteer compilation in Wanping and Daxing Counties seated in the prefecture site. The system was followed in the Qing Dynasty, inheriting and carrying forward the same official philosophy and cultural tradition. The official gazetteers in Shuntian Prefecture in the Ming and Qing periods formed a distinct series of prefecture and county gazetteers, which not only preserves the rich regional cultural resources but also provides a scientific foundation for the studies of Chinese local gazetteers. This paper points out some unclear cognition and wrong wording in the comparative studies of Wan ShuZaJi (Miscellany in the Wanping Office) and Wanping Xian Zhi (Wanping local gazetteers). In clarifying my points of view, the paper emphasizes that the official system of gazetteer compilation in Shuntian Prefecture and affiliated Wanping County was established in the Yongle period, and Wanping Xian Zhi (Wanping local gazetteer) was the earliest official gazetteer for the counties seated at the prefecture sites in the Qing period, in which the chapters of "People" and "Art" are quite valuable as reference materials. This county gazetteer, however, was not perfect generally. Thus, when evaluating its " political, economic, cultural and social values," we should not overestimate its importance, covering the weakness with the advantages. We should make an objective analysis based on facts. Only in this way, can we benefit the historical studies of Beijing local gazetteers.
作者 王熹
出处 《北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第1期10-15,72,共7页 Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 北京方志 宛署杂记 宛平县志 附郭县志 顺天府方志 Beijing local gazetteers Wan ShuZaJi (Miscellany in the Wanping Office) Wanping Xian Zhi ( Wanping local gazetteers) Gazetteers of counties at the prefecture sites Shuntian Prefecture local gazetteers
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  • 1明·沈榜:《宛署杂记》卷15《经费下》,北京:北京古籍出版社1983年版.
  • 2清·王养濂等:《(康熙)宛平县志》第6卷《艺文》,康熙二十四年刻本.
  • 3《(康熙)宛平县志.凡例》,清康熙二十四年刻本.








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