
新西兰《健康与体育课程标准》解析及启示 被引量:19

Analysis and Implications of New Zealand's Health and Physical Education Curriculum Standard
摘要 新西兰《健康与体育课程》是一个综合性课程,涉及健康教育、体育教育、家政学三个主题。它是在国家课程标准愿景、目标的指导下,整合三个主题的内容,围绕4条主线、4个基本概念、7个关键学习领域展开,并注重与实施国家课程应遵守的8条原则和8个方面的价值观相融合,旨在培养学生的思考能力、运用语言、符号及文本的能力、自我管理能力、与人交往能力以及参与和奉献的能力,使其能成为适应社会需求和发展的终身学习者,并能为自己、他人、所处的社区乃至整个社会的健康做出应有的贡献。启发是:我国在深化体育与健康课程改革的过程中,应加强传统体育文化的渗透,加强对学生能力的培养,加强对体育与健康课程的标准、教材、教学、评价等环节进行整体规划。 This paper will analyze and research the New Zealand Curriculum (2007) and the area of Health and Physical Education. Health and physical education in New Zealand is a comprehensive course, covering three themes of health education, physical education and home economics. Under the guidance of the national curric- ulum vision and purpose, it integrates the three themes and helps to carry out the learning activities on the basis of four main lines, four basic concepts and seven key learning areas. It also pays attention to the integration of the eight principles and values in the implementation process of national program, which aims to cultivate the students competence in thinking, using language, texts and symbols, self - managing, getting along with oth- ers, participating and dedicating so as to develop students into life - long learners that meet the needs of the so- ciety and can make contributions to the wellbeing of themselves, of their communities, and even the whole soci- ety. It has six features : the unique Logo contains the course design concept with the focus of the curriculum on Health. The categories of the course are weakened while the flexibility of the learning level is strengthened. The curriculum arrangement and implementation emphasizes the students' ability and the standards of the learn- ing evaluation system are consistent with the national education qualification certification system. The New Zeal- and Curriculum and the area of Health and Physical Education give us the following enlightenments: In the process of deepening the reform of physical education and health, we should strengthen the infiltration of tradi- tional sports culture, reinforce the cultivation of student's ability and intensify the integrated planning of the cur- riculum standard, teaching material, teaching, evaluation and so on.
出处 《成都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期23-30,共8页 Journal of Chengdu Sport University
基金 上海高校"立德树人"人文社会科学重点研究基地-体育教育教学研究基地项目(11000-515100-140) 华东师范大学校培育基地建设(体育)项目(78140128)
关键词 课程 健康与体育 新西兰 启示 curriculum health and physical education New Zealand implication
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