
一种全新的尝试:高等教育质量测评的国际动向——OECD“高等教育学习成果测评”的设计与实施 被引量:4

A New Attempt:The International Trend of Assessment of Higher Education Quality——The Design and Implementation of OECD's Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes
摘要 经济合作与发展组织历时5年研发了一套旨在测评高等院校本科毕业生学习成果的国际比较项目——"高等教育学习成果测评"。从"提出设想"到"面对挑战",从"研发工具"到"投入实践",该项目在测评理念、测评方式、测评内容和技术方面突破了传统质量评估的学院模式。作为一种"以学生为中心"的综合性的国际测评方式,无疑具有重要的现实意义和拓展价值。 The OECD has developed a comparative international programme -' Assessment of Higher Educa- tion Learning Outcomes' which aims to evaluate undergraduates' learning outcomes of Higher Education Institu- tions during a period of five years. This programme makes a breakthrough on the collegiate modal of traditional quali~ assessment in terms of its assessment ideas, methods, contents and techniques from 'proposing assump-tions ' to ' meeting challenges' and from ' developing instruments' to ' utting into practices'. Undoubtedly, it has an importantly practical significance and expanding value as the comprehensive international assessment way based on 'students- centered idea'.
作者 陈涛
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期30-37,共8页 International and Comparative Education
基金 教育部重大攻关课题"我国本科人才培养质量研究"(课题编号:10JZD0038)的成果
关键词 “高等教育学习成果测评” 高等教育质量 经济合作与发展组织 Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes feasibility study report higher educationquality OECD
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